The Lest We Forget flag is to commemorate ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day. Show your support for our troops both past and present.
During World War I, red poppies were among the first plants to grow on the Western Front in Europe. They bloomed across the wasted battlefields of northern France and Belgium. Today, the red poppy has become a very special symbol of commemoration on Remembrance Day in Australia and other Commonwealth countries, and on ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand.
The phrase 'Lest we forget' is from a line in an 1897 Rudyard Kipling poem and it means means 'it should not be forgotten'. Use of the phrase 'lest we forget' became common across Australia and New Zealand after World War I. The phrase became linked with commemorative services in Australia, including ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day.
Flag measures 915mm x 1430mm and is digitally printed on a poly satin material, which is lightweight and suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Finished flush with strong UV resistant header band and nylon sister clips.